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Tales Of Eternia Hack

  1. Tales Of Eternia Psp

BTALES OF ETERNIA - The No-Nonsense GuideVersion 3 - Date Created: 1st of Septemper 2001Created By: gyl127Welcome to Tales of Eternia Guide 3.0^This FAQ is copyright 2001 to me. Don't copy or plagiarize, it's bad!^This is called a 'quickie guide,' you will not find boss strategies,item or spell lists/faqs, nor every possible characters. Well, Ionly wanna help you out beat the game, and let you explore the gameyourself.

Find characters yourself, beat boss by yourself, it's muchmore rewarding for you to actually do things like that than follow whatI just tell you to do.The guide is spoiler-free and inspired by Elranzer and Versus Guides.It contains no possible spoilers, no-nonsense walkthrough and a littleextra stuffs at the bottom.Don't feel a little disappointed. As I said beating a boss with outother help is pretty much rewarding than having somebody tell you whatto do everytime you open you PSX up.

I hate bossing people around soif you find this guide not what you expect it to be. Before you clickon that little 'X' on the upper right portion of the screen why nothave a look at this first.Unlike the pass version of my FAQ/Walkthrough which contains,Lens Locations, Craymel FAQs, Item Lists etc. I've removed themso as to have this called a 'No-Nonsense Guide' I'm very sorry toall those people who have helped me do that Guide but this time I'llhave this even better. My old walkthrough which contains a quickieguide will now turn to this. Much better than the past versions of myFAQs. Now, I've changed all the Japanese names to English one.The Walkthrough (Disc 1)1. Rasheans Forest- Find your way out of the Forest- Now watch the scen to end this part2.


Rashean Village- Farah joins you from now on during this fight-.BOSS BATTLE. Fight????? (Yep that's what it says)- Now, Meredy will join- Then, to the world map3. Regulus Dojo-.BOSS BATTLE.

Monks (Yup monkS - plural - means not one)- Now, to the Rasheans River Pier4. Rasheans River Pier- Talk to Paolo-.MINI GAME. Rafting, just make your way to it- Head to the area5. Mintche- Enter the first building in sight-.MINI GAME.

there's a room where you could play a mini game- Exit it and go to the next area6. Mintche- Make your way out of Mt. Mintche- Then to the Observatory7. Mintche Observatory- Keele joins you- Exit the place then to the world map- Then head back through Mt. Mintche- Enter the cave on the Southeast9. Nostos Cave-.BOSS BATTLE.

Egg Bear- Look for the wall stained with blood then head for the exit10. Morle Village- Head for the treetop for a scene.- Now Enter the backwood11. Backwood-.BOSS BATTLE. Insect Plant- Return to Mazet's house- Talk to Mazet for the Inferia Map and another Item- Now exit the place then to the.12. Undine Stream- Work your way around the place then.-.BOSS BATTLE.

Undine- Now that you have your first craymel exit the place then to.13. Forest of Temptation- Find 4 statues lying around- Follow this alignment- Have the Deity of Destruction to Face Right- Have the Deity of Confusion to Face Right- Have the Deity of Order to Face Left- Have the Deity of Creation to Face Left- Now battle a.MINI BOSS. Junglers- Exit the map14. Inferia City- Head for the castle- Then, to the observatory- There'll be an event here, I won't spoil anything now.- head to the Seyfret Sanctuary- Now, you'll end up in.15. Inferia Castle- Find your way to the main garden- Then go to the west wing- After exploring the place you'll see an event- When you wake up go to the Audience Chamber16. Inferia City- Recieve the 'Boarding Pass'- Leave the city then to the.17. Port of Inferia- Take a ship to Barole- Keele will leave the party18.

Port of Barole- Head for the city Berole19. Berole- Exit the town for an event20.

Sylph Caven-. More To Come. More To Come. More To Come.

More To Come. More To Come. More To Come. More To Come. More To Come. More To Come. More To Come.

More To Come. More To Come.

More To Come. More To Come. More To Come. More To Come. More To Come.Extra Stuffs-.

Lens Locations (Disc 1 - 3).-=-=-=Inferia=-=-=-=1. Rasheans, The vegetable boxes in the basement of Reid's House2. Rasheans, The door of abandoned windmill near entrance3. Regulus dojo, The drawer in Paolo's room4. Regulus dojo, The table near the second room's door5. Mintche, The tree by where you Craymel ball6.

Mintche, In a wooden box at Keel's Mountain Observatory.7. Mintche,water elemental lab in the university8. Nostos Cave,wood pile near the end of the cave9. Morle,The Fireplace in Mazzet's house.10. Undine Stream,First screen, behind the big tree in the middle11. Forest of Temptation, Behind the middle statue of the five god statues.12. Inferia City,plant near the threater ticket booth13.

Tales Of Eternia Psp

Inferia City,royal guest room drawer on the 2nd floor, west wing of thecastle14. Inferia City,Keel's papers in lower right corner in royal observatory15. Inferia Port,barrels16. On Ship in Inferia,vase in 2nd class room17. Barole Port,boxes under the tent.18. Barole,the golden vase in the accessory shop19 Sylph Cave,At the place where the assault dagger(treasure) is20. Chambard,2nd floor of Bristol Chambard, dining table22.

Efreet Cave,Use the Sorcerer's ring to open a cave door, in the tresurebox23. Farlos Church, in the Dresser24. Mt.Farlos,behind The stone piles near the load crystal in front of thebridge of Light25. Racheans Forest, The back of the left most piece of the pod,whereMeredy's ship crashs on Inferia26.

Chambard,northwest of the town, there's a small Island with a hiddenscreen27. GPS(159,131), above the Forest of Temptation (Use Aibird)27. Chambard,northwest of the town, there's a small Island with a hiddenscreen where you learn a new command, The len's near the exit (161,45)28.

Inferia Underwater Storage #3, the plants near the chest29. Ifreed's Tomb,The left path inside a donation box30. Spirit Hot Spring(208,108 Use Aibird),the barrel at the entrance31. Spirit Hot Spring,men's room mirror=-=-=-=-Celestia=-=-=-=-32.

Cape Fortress,the grass on the right side of the door.33. Imen,Meredy's house on the glass table34. Mine of Gnome,Lower left corner of Gnome Village35.

Chat Hut, B4, on the stove in the left room36. Chat Hut,B1, the boxes in the water tank room where the duck doll iskept.37. Van Eltia(your ship),In the Engine38.

Moutain.Celsius,Where the snow pile collapes39. Peruti(after snow melts),the cart containing crabs40. Peruti(after snow melts),the tree near the fountain.41. Imen(destroyed),display case in the weapon shop42. Tinnsia,Gnome statue43. Tinnsia,the chest in Fog's office44.

Ruin of Volt,Check the stone tablet45. Port of Baril's Castle,In the barrel46. Baril's Castle,Treasure box in right secret room47. Seyfert shrine,The 1st glass bulb on the right at the entrance48. Ifreed's Cave,Boxes near the entrance49. Ifreed's Cave,The end of the stage with the pirate statues, the BlueAnchor beside the entrance to the next screen50.

Van Eltia,Barrel on the observation deck51. Van Eltia,In the left hand submarine53. GPS(60,126),southeast of Peruti54.

Jini(night),the slot machine in the casino55. Jini(night),dance floor fire place56. Jini(night),right table of auction hall57. Ifreed's Hideout (Where you insert plugs),In the middle of the plugstands58. Shadow Cave(5,12 Use Aifish),Top left ball of light near Shadow(Wherethe enemy is).59. Nekonin village,in the red house60.